For Charities

  • Corporate Membership Schemes, Corporate Sponsorship

  • A business or brand can say more about itself through arts or charity sponsorship than it ever could by way of conventional advertising. The best sponsorships are those that are mutually beneficial – where a true partnership is established which has real payback for both parties.

    But how do you communicate with this world? What do you need to know about when dealing with the business community and can you give them what they want? What changes may you need to make within your organisation and which other members of staff need to get involved? How do you make your organisation attractive to business? How do you find business supporters? How do you keep them?

    We can help you design membership schemes and sponsorship partnerships that are right for you and attractive to businesses. We can advise on what to include, what to exclude, what to charge – and making sure it makes money! How to add value and how to stand out from the competition.