For Charities

  • Fundraising materials - design & content

  • Creating a distinctive brand for your fundraising message can play a key role in its success. There are many factors to consider to ensure that it stands apart from other print and media in your organisation, allows you to get your message across quickly and clearly, and promotes important core values.

    But what do you want the brand to say about you? How do you communicate key messages? What print and media options will you use? What do you need them to do? Do you give lots of information or only just enough? How do you motivate the reader to give? What do you legally need to include on Donation Forms/on-line giving? How do you deal with Gift Aid? What about data protection?

    From capital campaign materials to sponsorship brochures, event leaflets to membership packs we can help you put together fundraising materials that will fly off the shelf not sit on it.