
We have worked with a variety of organisations both small and large. Whilst their aims and objectives may vary in size and scale, many fundraising principles are the same.

Whether you have never fundraised before and don’t know where to start or have a well developed programme but need to move in a new direction, RPA can help you.

We realise that all organisations have their own individuality so it is a priority for us to offer you solutions that are appropriate to your own particular circumstances and that are realistic and achievable.

Our primary objective is to ensure we create strategies that work for the long term…. for you and your organisation. We take into account in house capacity, long term ambitions and the current climate and competition.

We deliver an outlook that is positive BUT realistic.

You may be very clear about the help you need or you may be unsure as to exactly what form of support can help you best. This is very common and a fresh pair of eyes can help you in your thinking even before first decisions are made. It is important to get the right advice early on, well targeted and at the heart of what it is you need to achieve.

We respect your own experience and knowledge and simply aim to bring ours to you in a way that can guide decision making towards the best possible and realistic conclusion.

Whatever the challenge, talk to us and we will give you an honest appraisal of how we can make a difference.